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Health Insurance

Simplicity Health Insurance

At Astute Simplicity Health, we’ve got you covered. We want you to have greater control and more choice to meet your health care needs. Astute Simplicity Health has a range of hospital, extras and packaged covers that have been specifically designed for you and your family.



5% Discount*

Astute customers receive a 5% discount* on Astute Simplicity Health products, with easy payment by direct debit fortnightly or monthly.

Gap Free Preventative Dental

Gap Free Preventative Dental for all the family at your choice of dentist

Under Gap Free Preventative Dental, we offer cover that pays 100 per cent of your dentists regular fee^ up to a maximum benefit for each eligible service. This means that for most dentists you will have no gap or out-of-pocket to pay for an examination, x-ray, scale and clean and fissure sealing. This will help you keep your teeth and gums healthy and help prevent the need for more extensive treatment later on. Importantly Gap Free Preventative Dental applies to all the family at your choice of dentist.

* Regular fee refers to the average fee your dentist charges to all patients of his or her practice for each eligible service.

Gap Free Preventative Dental for children

Our Gap Free Preventative Dental is even better for children who can enjoy gap-free cover for fissure sealing on eligible products. Placement of sealants in children assessed as having a high risk of tooth decay, is a safe and effective way in preventing dental decay in permanent teeth.

Children covered until they turn 23

Children are covered on their parents’ policy until they reach the age of 23, provided they are not married or living in a defacto relationship. Single, full-time student dependants can remain covered until they reach the age of 25, if fully dependent on their parents.

No Excess

No Excess for same day hospital stays for adults

Enjoy NO excess on same-day hospital stays for adults on selected products#

No Excess for children

If you choose an excess, you won’t have to pay the excess if a child covered on your policy needs to go to hospital.

Get rewarded for staying a member

At Astute Simplicity Health, we value the relationship we have with our members and that’s why we have Member Rewards on selected covers. Member Rewards will reward each person who has held top general treatment (extras) cover with Astute Simplicity Health for five years or more with a 5 per cent increase in their dental benefits and annual dental limits.

Great service and service options

We pride ourselves on our customer service. You can access your membership details and transact business over the phone or internet through our online member services. Claiming is easy with point of service electronic facilities (HICAPS), or the Astute Simplicity Health mobile claiming app from your iPhone or Android phone.

We have great partners too

You can choose from a range of no gap+ options and discounts from our optical partners, Specsavers, OPSM, Laubman and Pank.

*The discount cannot be combined with other discounts available under other arrangements between St.LukesHealth and other alliance partners.

^For some preventative dental items on selected products. Annual limits, fund rules and waiting periods apply. Under Gap Free Preventative Dental we pay 100% of your dentists regular fee up to a maximum benefit for each service.

#Selected products are Packaged Astute Gold 250, Packaged Astute Gold 500, Astute Top Hospital Gold 250, Astute Top Hospital Gold 500

+Subject to your level of cover and policy conditions

Switching made easy

No waiting periods apply when switching to an equivalent level of cover, providing all waiting periods have been served with your previous fund.

If you require hospital and extras cover, then a packaged product is your best option.

The following packaged products provide a range of combined hospital and extras cover options offering a complete health cover package.


Packaged Astute Gold 250

A packaged Hospital and Extras product that offers: Top hospital cover for all the clinical categories with a $250 excess comprehensive range of extras benefits.

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Packaged Astute Gold 500

A packaged Hospital and Extras product that offers: Top hospital cover for all the clinical categories with a $500 excess and comprehensive range of extras benefits.

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Packaged Simplicity Saver Bronze +250

A packaged Hospital and Extras product that offers: Top hospital cover for the clinical categories covered with a $250 excess and a comprehensive range of extras benefits.

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Packaged Simplicity Saver Bronze +250

A packaged Hospital and Extras product that offers: Top hospital cover for the clinical categories covered with a $500 excess and a comprehensive range of extras benefits.

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Astute Simplicty Health


These products are underwritten by St Luke’s Medical and Hospital Benefits Association ACN 009 479 618 (St.LukesHealth), a registered private health insurer, [trading as Astute Simplicity Health] and members are introduced by Astute Financial Management Pty Ltd or related entities (collectively known as Astute) for which Astute receives a commission.

* The discount cannot be combined with other discounts available under other arrangements between St.LukesHealth and other alliance partners. The discount quoted is off the gross St.LukesHealth premiums. Direct debit is the only payment method available to Astute Simplicity Health members.

^ For some preventative dental items on selected products. Annual limits, fund rules and waiting periods apply. Under Gap Free Preventative Dental we pay 100% of your dentists regular fee up to a maximum benefit for each service.

#Selected products are Packaged Astute Gold 250, Packaged Astute Gold 500, Astute Top Hospital Gold 250, Astute Top Hospital Gold 500

Packaged Cover

If you are looking for both hospital and extras cover, a packaged cover is the best option for you. We have both comprehensive packages and packages for those starting out or wanting to save.

Hospital Cover

Our hospital products provide top private hospital cover with a range of options to help you choose the right cover for you and your family.

Extras Cover

Our extras cover provides benefits for services not covered by our hospital covers or by Medicare. Extras Protect is our top stand-alone extras cover which includes Gap Free Preventative Dental, Optical, Physiotherapy and more!

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The Nest Co-Working Space    Level 2                                   180 King Street,      NEWCASTLE NSW 2300 

0407 443 753

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